These are some of the basic questions asked about the School Student Broadband Initiative.
If you have any further ones , please check back in on this page in the future and we will add as we become aware.

SSBI Program

Prior to the end of the one-year period nbn expects that the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) participating internet provider will advise a participating family of their options. Internet providers should not automatically place families onto a paid service without their consent.

The School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is a targeted affordability initiative stemming from a commitment by the Australian government to boost education opportunities for students. This commitment will help provide up to 30,000 families with access to high-speed home internet over the nbn® network.

The Australian Government requires families to be identified by Nominating Organisations (e.g., schools, education authorities, charities and community organisations as identified by the Government).

From their School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) internet service provider during the one-year service period.

Families are encouraged to get information and resources to help use their home broadband connection safely from the eSafety Commission site:

• If they have been identified as potentially eligible, by contacting their Nominating Organisation
• Visiting (from 27 February 2023)
• Calling the [nbn] SSBI Help Desk on 1800 626 269
• Visiting Australian Government website ( )

The School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) aims to boost education opportunities by providing up to 30,000 Australian eligible families with school age children (K-12), with free nbn-powered broadband internet at home for one year.

If an employee or worker within a nominating organisation is uncertain about the family’s eligibility, they should check with the initiative coordinator within their organisation. Nominating organisations will apply their judgement as to whether a candidate should be referred. nbn is only responsible for checking addresses of nominated families (based on the addresses provided to nbn by Nominating Organisations) do not have an active nbn service and are nbn serviceable.

In the event a family seeks to redeem an eligible voucher with an internet service provider as part of the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI), and that voucher does not work, the internet service provider can contact nbn and the family should contact their nominating organisation.

Eligible families will be identified and engaged with (via parents/carers) by schools, education authorities, and community organisations involved in the initiative (Nominating Organisations).

An nbn-powered home broadband service will be provided to eligible students and their families for one-year. The 12-month period starts from the day they activate an eligible School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI), service e.g., if a family connects on 30 May 2023, they will have an SSBI service until 29 May 2024. The last date when eligible families can place an order to receive an SSBI service, using an eligible voucher, is 30 June 2023 (or earlier if 30,000 orders are activated before this date).

nbn will only receive address information from nominating organisations to check eligibility of premises. nbn does not ask for personal information about families or students as part of the initiative.
Participating internet providers are expected to manage the personal information of eligible families in the same way they manage information of existing customers.

To be eligible for the School Student Broadband Initiative, families must:

• Have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school in 2023.
• Not have an active nbn® network internet service at home. Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility.
• Be referred by a nominating organisation
• Live in a premises that can access the nbn network.

To be eligible for the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI), families must be identified and referred by a Nominating Organisation.

The Australian Government approached a limited number of community organisations to participate, alongside education authorities in providing nominations for the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI).

These organisations have been approached based on their:

• National reach assisting and supporting disadvantaged children and their families,
• Demonstrated efforts to improve digital inclusion and online learning for students.

Given this is a small-scale targeted affordability initiative it is only practical to directly involve a limited number of nominating organisations.

A School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) factsheet for teachers has been developed in collaboration with nbn and is designed to be tailored by each Nominating Organisation. The factsheet covers eligibility criteria, how the initiative works, what steps are required to nominate a family, e-safety resources and where to find additional information on SSBI.

Yes. It is the responsibility of the nominating organisations to manage any relevant consent requirements. Nominating Organisations, who will be collecting personal information, are obliged to comply with all privacy laws.

To be eligible for the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI), families must not have an active nbn broadband internet connection. Families with other forms of internet connectivity, such as 4G or 5G wireless services over mobile, are eligible to be nominated by Nominating Organisations.

Devices such as phone, tablets or computers are not included with the Initiative. A router/ modem will be provided to families by their chosen participating internet provider to connect them to the nbn network.